June 26, 1999 Governor Pataki Executive Chamber Capitol Albany, NY 12224 Governor Pataki, The air quality in New York City is not good. Often, living above 7th Avenue, I am disturbed by the smoggy smell of my apartment. What can I do about this? The particulate matter that dusts my lungs and apartment are more than I've experienced in any of the other cities I've lived in. It is with this matter in mind that I urge you to support the funding of CNG clean burning vehicles, and in particular buses. The 2000-2004 Capital Program must include funding for a transition to clean burning vehicles. Diesel engines are a relic of a thoughtless and unhealthy age, and they must be eliminated. Further, I would like to see efforts to convert the trash hauling fleet to a cleaner fuel source, as their exhaust is particularly filthy. As a resident, a father and reasonable man, I am confident that you will receive my suggestion with an open mind. As an influential public official you must realize that clean air, particularly in the aftermath of the virtually ignored Kyoto accords, is popular. I repeat: clean air is something people want. Buses are constantly being replaced. Why not be a forward thinking man and encourage the MTA to replace them with clean burning CNG vehicles? Andy Deck New York, NY 212 414 9856