Designers for Peace - Designers for Peace is a grass roots response to war and the culture of violence in the US and the rest of the world.
This organization - Anti-Bush T-shirts, buttons, hats, postcards, mugs, magnets, moursepads, bumperstickers and other STOP BUSH gifts.
WE ARE ALL NEW-YORKERS - First published in Art in Wartime, popCULT, in the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, this work is a redesign of the modern graphic icon 'I Luv NY', that was created by graphic artist Milton Glaser, and it was first used in 1977. - Bring Home Our Troops | Blue Ribbon Car Magnets
Adrian Kenyon Paintings - My art-work including my latest painting 'Apocalypse', also available as a poster.
AntiOorlogsComit - Website of the peacemovement at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Mixed Dutch/English. With lots of peacelinks, exchange of action idea's and library with background information.
Peace Pins - Anti-war lapel pins sales that benefit anti-war organizations.