/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Agusto's Website
  Contains essays and arguments from Anti-War supporters. Anti-War Campaign at Virginia Tech.
  JustWarTheory.com is a free, non-profit, annotated aid to critical philosophical studies of warfare, terrorism, counter-terrorism, nationalism, war crimes, humanitarian intervention, and more.
  German Site about Politix, Peace and anti-Bush, with Parody and Satire, Fun-galery and more! Inclusive the
Anti-war and war propaganda
  Anti-war advocacy for social progress.
  $o how much doe$ it all co$t ?
Fatcat Politics
  Torture, Treason, Corruption, Lies and Incompetence... Known by their works... The Republicans 2000 - 2008
  We provide information and links about liberal issues, and an opportunity for outhers to publish their own opinions/works.
  An on-going group project and public space for political, social and critical artwork.

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