/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Anti-War Web Ring & Directory /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Dissident Veteran for Peace
  Musings of a dissident Veteran for Peace.
No Contact Politics
  What is the way? Comment on life, politics and culture from some guy who studied too much history...
Churchill Bust
  A slow burning campaign, seeking to confront the British Government regarding the loan of a Bust of Winston Churchill to George Bush by Tony Blair shortly after Bush took office. The site takes offence at the Bush/Blair conspiracy to defraud the Britis
i am a donut
  the usual incoherent opinionated nonsense and ramblings
Revue Interstice
  Electronic multidisciplinary magazine with cultural, artistic, literary, photographic, video content.
Peace atom does not happen!...
  The time has come to say "No!" to nuclear research.
  JustWarTheory.com is a free, non-profit, annotated aid to critical philosophical studies of warfare, terrorism, counter-terrorism, nationalism, war crimes, humanitarian intervention, and more.
One among 400,000
  A personal document of the protest that took place in London, UK on September 28th 2002 to stop the war against Iraq.

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