New Media Class, Sarah Lawrence College, NY
Class Discussion
I think that Herbert Schiller brings up a very interesting point which was not addressed in class. I did not even think about it until today. On page 40 of 'Information Inequality,' he states "In a country approaching a population of 250 million people, direct access to potential voters - the old barnstorming of earlier years - is totally out of the question..."
I think this view should not be swallowed whole without a bit of thought on Schiller's relative perspective to the whole of world culture, and world society. There is, I contend, a network of contact still in existence which existed prior to the information age, and however many people are sucked into the current technology, I do not think this has changed, or will change. People still travel and talk/interact with each other. It may be slower oftentimes, but not always, as in when people barnstorm. Just because people do not barnstorm successfully, or have not in recent years does not necessarily imply that they cannot. I think sometimes people get caught up in media advancement that they are unaware of which way the wind is blowing. Just some food for thought.
I think everyone in this class should learn a thing or two about
HTML (look at the HTML tutorial in Links) and mess around with the site. Its fun.
Whaddyasay da that? Hello? I'm discussing, is anyone listening? I'm
disgusting, is anyone glistening? -Dmitri
Maybe the bulletin board
is a simpler way to mount discussions of this sort? There's also the possibility of
using a chat program, or since most of
you live on campus you could just "meat" outside of class.
Another possibility, e-mail your colleagues.
I want my mommy