httpd is the hyper text transfer protocol daemon
it runs on the server, and it can run on any unix system
the daemon runs continually, listening (port 80) for requests
requests come from browsers, primarily, for documents of particular types
the mime.types configuration file tells the daemon how to interpret the data in the files it gets
in most cases, the daemon relies on the file name sufix (eg .gif) to tell it what the file type is
files are sent in parts, and connections with remote clients are verified until the whole file arrives (and is reassembled)
the httpd.conf file holds variables pertinent to the running of the daemon
there's lots more info about apache (the sub-species of httpd we're using) on their web site
there are several logs that you can "cat" to see what is going on here, such as /etc/httpd/logs/access_log and /etc/httpd/logs/error_log