Page 6 Discussion |
Andy / September 16, 2005Delays |
As some may have noticed I have been inactive on this project for a while. I've recently moved, so there has been little time for it, but I will be working on it again soon.
Eileen2000 / August 26, 2005Data loss |
I'm sorry to hear you lost stuff, Andy! Seems like it always happens to me when i'm working on something good and i'm trying to save.
i sent a response to your earlier post, but don't see it here. The gist of it was that I'm not good with words but maybe someone else would want to take a shot. but then again, maybe that's already been resolved.
Andy / August 25, 2005Data loss |
Ugh. I'm so bummed out. I lost page six because my power cable slipped out of my laptop and the battery's shot. I guess I was saving the document when this happened. I was just thinking an hour before that I should back it up on the server, but I didn't do it. So now I'm faced with reconstructing about a week's worth of work. It was looking good.
Andy / August 10, 2005Wording |
"but something about the wording seems too different"
I suppose you mean the top part. If you want to propose something with approximately the same amount of words, now's the best time. It's a bit tricky to fit the idea and the amount of space available.
I noticed someone has uploaded an angel image -- or is it an angel/devil image. If so, that's something like the baboon angel I used earlier.
The cleansing spring idea could be revived. I thought about the 'cleansing' idea for the text on the bottom of page five but decided against it. Mostly I wanted to link the idea of distraction and cleansing: the sins of the state are absolved (cleansed) through distraction.
Eileen2000 / August 10, 2005More random thoughts |
I like being able to see all the pages together. thanks, andy.
i like the ideas in page 6 but something about the wording seems too different from what came before? (or something...) I can see the difficulty of bringing the disparate elements together into something more cohesive, though. It will be interesting to see how you do it.
i think some of the elements that were verbalized in earlier pages need to make an appearance. I am particularly interested in the idea of the cleansing spring and the role that media and advertising play.
Maybe the cleansing spring is something aweful. i heard an interesting NPR segment recently that was interviewing Japanese citizens and they talked with a former military officer who had experienced trauma because of his torture of the Chinese while in the military. He said he thought the A-bomb had been a good thing, because it was so horrible, he felt it was the only thing which had finally stopped Japanese nationalism and militarism. I had never thought of it in this way before.
Andy / August 10, 2005Where to go from here |
There hasn't been much character development, and that raises the question of how to achieve a sense of conclusion in page ten. I think it would be good to move forward with a "narrative" like: "Okay, here we are (on the far side of Bone Head Gate, this carnival of terror), now how do we get out of here?" Perhaps the cast of characters can be assembled in some mock-superheroic rescue operation.